Hello! My name is Teresa Williams, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my corner of the internet. As a mother, businesswoman, performer, and healer, I am here to offer a space for anyone to come and explore the realm beyond the physical. I specialize specifically in mediumship and intuitive readings, as well as integrative sound bowl healing, and offer several different types of services via Zoom and in person.

I have designed the Inspire Teresa platform as a way to share my capabilities with individuals worldwide; I ultimately aim to help you on your journey to peace, wellness, and healing. 

Whether you stumbled upon my page by chance or have been a longtime follower, I am grateful for your presence and thank your Spirit Guides for shepherding you to me!


In the elaborate tapestry of my life, my story has been stitched together with threads of spiritual discovery, musical fascination, and familial connections. From my childhood in upstate New York to raising my beautiful children in Florida, my journey has been a mosaic of experiences that have molded my consciousness and intuitive abilities to where I am today. 

The Gift of Intuition

From a young age, I’ve experienced the wonderful gift of intuition and clairvoyance – seeing the spirits of individuals who have passed, knowing the outcome of events before they occurred, and connecting with people on a deeply emotional level. Often, I assumed that the things I saw were just the consequences of an active imagination, or otherwise I’d chalk it up to “déjà vu.”

I saw my first “psychic medium” in my early teen years and I would continue to see spiritual and psychic readers with different methods throughout adulthood. But my first personal out-of-body experience with the metaphysical happened in one of the most challenging times of my life:

When I was 17, doctors found that I had an atrial septal defect, which they would correct in surgery soon after. While on the table in open-heart surgery, there was a moment when I came off of the anesthesia and woke up mid-operation. The image that still stays with me today is one that was taken from above, watching the scene as if I were an angel. I wasn’t panicked or chaotic, but peaceful as I looked down at the doctors and my body on the table.

While the doctors assured me that there was no way I could remember the events that took place during that time – that this small complication was brief and inconsequential – I recited, in detail, what I saw, and there wasn’t at all a scientific explanation for it.

At the time, I had two other friends in the hospital that would have the same surgery; both of them passed away. My survival was a true miracle, and to this day, I feel that I survived for a reason.

I believe this was one of the defining moments of my life. 


My Career & My Children

After recovery, it was time for me to enter a new chapter of my life. Grounded by these medical events, I turned to a life-long passion of mine: music. 

Having sung in school choirs, octets, vocal recitals, and school plays, I decided to pursue a bachelors and masters degree in classical music and opera at New England Conservatory and University of Buffalo. I started my professional career with the Buffalo Opera Company before moving to New York City and performing all over the world as a solo and orchestral concert performer.

I notice, now, that there was always a thematic element to the music I sang – an innate connection toward spiritual pieces, or ones with equally resonating storylines.

In 2001, I moved to Florida. I continued singing professionally, launched Prospera Realty & Property Management and had two beautiful children, Sonia and James. 

Building on Intuitiveness

Fueled by spirituality and empathy, I have always communicated well with my own intuition; but in the past ten years, my connection to the spiritual world has matured. Most of my adulthood has involved interaction with psychic intuitives of some capacity, whether it was a periodic card reading, or having my astrological naval chart written out for me. 

Several times, I was told that I had carried the gift of intuition and was meant to be using it to help and heal others. Though I was fascinated by the concept, circumstances shaped my life, and I just hadn’t taken the time to develop those skills.

In 2014, a friend’s child passed away, and – for the first time – I was conscious of my link to someone on The Other Side. Between 2016 and 2017, I started studying intuition and mediumship with more commitment – reading books, doing my own research, and discussing it with other psychic intuitives in the field.

In 2019, I started my practice in intuitiveness & mediumship. Whether it was learning the niches of tarot or practicing access consciousness, I became dedicated to making a positive impact on others by connecting with my Spirit Guides, “God” (or a higher power), and the Blessed Mother in order to commune with loved ones who’ve passed over. 

I studied and practiced with renowned intuitive mediums like Emily Rivera, Sarah Brink, Linsday Marino, and Sophie Frabotta.

Always Growing

Since beginning my practice, I have mastered skills in tarot, trance, integrative sound bowl healing, and developed my overall mediumship skills with different groups and circles, and read for people all over the world.

Today, Prospera Realty & Property Management has been running for 23+ years, my children have grown into two amazing individuals, and Inspire Teresa has taken off.

I have earned a certification for spiritual life coaching, which is significantly different from the practice of a typical career advisor. In this form of council, we mainly deal with the now and the future, whereas a therapist works with the past. I work with spiritual wellness; we dig into the fundamental elements of your being, finding what is keeping you from being your best self.

I use meditation as a vehicle to help you with things like Chakra Awareness & Blocks, tapping into realizations of Past Lives, connection with your Aura – and possible disturbances in it – and connection with your spirit guides and how to communicate with them.

Let’s Connect!

I believe in the power of collaboration and connection. Allow me to join you on this journey of enlightenment, finding moments of tranquility and maintaining balance and harmony in your life!

Follow my socials on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest for your daily dose of mediumship and spiritual wellness, and feel free to contact me via email ( if you find your interests peaked. I'm always open to new opportunities and exciting ventures!
