4 Best Healing Stones for Grief and Mourning

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things that we have to go through over the course of our lives. The memories and close bonds we’ve built with those around us inevitably come to an end throughout the cycle of life. 

However, grief manifests itself in different ways for different people. Some may feel a profound sense of grief after the end of a long relationship, while others may experience grief and sadness after losing a job or moving to a new city. 

Regardless of the cause of your grief, healing stones and crystals can help ease your pain and accelerate the healing process. This article discusses the best healing stones for grief and mourning and how you can use gemstones in your daily life for peace and prosperity. 

Understanding Why We Grieve

Grief is a profound and complex emotional response to loss. It's a natural reaction to losing someone or something that was deeply significant to us and, like we mentioned, can manifest itself in a variety of ways for each person. 

People experience grief both emotionally and physically. Emotionally, it can result in sadness, anger, guilt, confusion, loneliness, or even relief. Physically, it can lead to fatigue, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and other symptoms.

Keep in mind that grief isn't a linear process. It's more like a rollercoaster with ups and downs and can be difficult to predict how long it will last. Some may experience intense grief immediately, while others may have delayed reactions or experience waves of grief over an extended period.

Psychologists generally agree that there are numerous types of grief that humans experience, including:

  • Anticipatory Grief: This occurs when we anticipate a significant loss, such as when a loved one is terminally ill. It gives us time to begin the grieving process before the actual loss happens.

  • Complicated Grief: Sometimes, grief becomes more intense and interferes with our daily functioning and routines. This is known as complicated grief and may require professional intervention.

  • Disenfranchised Grief: This type of grief is not openly acknowledged or socially supported, including grieving the loss of a pet, a miscarriage, or the end of a non-traditional relationship.

Healing stones for grief and mourning can be a complementary solution to coping with these complex emotions. Many people grieving have found that healing stones possess properties that provide comfort and support during times of grief. 

4 Best Healing Stones for Grief and Mourning

If you’re going through difficult times and grieving over a significant loss, tapping into the power of healing stones for grief and mourning can help you recover and move forward with your life. In conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise, and socialization, healing stones may be just the thing you need to overcome these difficult times.

Here are the best healing stones for grief and mourning you should consider:

Pink Quartz

Pink quartz (or rose quartz) possesses remarkable healing properties in the realm of emotional well-being and grief. This gentle pink crystal is renowned for its ability to soothe the heart and promote feelings of comfort and love. 

When dealing with grief from loss, heartbreak, or any form of emotional pain, pink quartz acts as a powerful tool. Its energy is said to gently dissolve the barriers around the heart and allow for the release of pent-up emotions and foster a sense of inner peace. 

By encouraging self-love and acceptance, pink quartz helps individuals navigate through their grief with greater resilience and grace. Its nurturing essence also promotes forgiveness towards oneself and others while facilitating the healing process.

» MORE: Shop for Pink Quartz Crystals


Amethyst is a crystal known for its healing properties and spiritual significance. Often called the "stone of tranquility," amethyst is prized for its ability to calm the mind and promote inner peace. It’s also believed to possess a purifying energy that gets rid of negative vibrations in and around you, making amethyst an invaluable aid for those navigating grief and emotional turmoil. 

Amethyst's gentle but potent energy is said to help people cope with loss by providing a sense of comfort and understanding. Additionally, it is believed to stimulate the third eye chakra and enhance intuition along with spiritual awareness. 

» MORE: Shop for Amethyst Crystals

White Quartz

White quartz is a versatile crystal in the realm of holistic healing. Its transparent appearance and subtle shimmer gives white quartz the name of "master healer" due to its ability to amplify energy and intentions.

When it comes to grief and healing, white quartz is a useful tool to gain clarity and purification. Its pristine energy is believed to cleanse negative emotions and thoughts while creating space for healing and renewal. 

White quartz can help people gain a clearer perspective on their emotions and enable them to process grief in a more balanced and constructive way. Additionally, white quartz is associated with the crown chakra that connects us to the divine and a higher consciousness. 

» MORE: Shop for White Quartz Crystals

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is a potent and protective stone with a rich history rooted in ancient civilizations. This volcanic glass is formed from rapidly cooling lava and holds a deep connection to the Earth's energies and grounding properties. 

The black obsidian rock will help you confront and release deep-seated emotions in times of grief when healing is needed. Its dark, reflective surface acts as a mirror and encourages you to confront your innermost thoughts and fears with honesty. 

Just like white quartz, black obsidian is believed to absorb negative energy to help purge emotional baggage and facilitate spiritual growth. The stone is also associated with the root chakra, which controls our sense of security and stability. 

» RELATED: Learn More About Black Obsidian

Final Thoughts

Grief is a powerful emotion that humans feel during a period of loss. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, or moving out of your childhood home, grieving is a natural process that takes time to overcome.

Using healing stones for grief can help accelerate the healing process and allow you to move onto the next chapter of your life. While loss is a natural part of life, the grief that comes with it doesn't last forever. 

