Celestite Crystals

A gemstone named for its celestial blue hue and ethereal beauty, these magnificent crystals are often found in geodes or sedimentary rock formations. Celestite is revered for its gentle yet potent healing properties, which span the realms of the mind, body, and spirit. This crystal encourages feelings of compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance, fostering a deeper connection to oneself and the universe.

Glimpse Into History

The history of celestite crystals traces back through the annals of time, revealing a fascinating journey intertwined with mythology, spirituality, and practical applications. In ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Greece, blue gemstones were often associated with the heavens and believed to possess divine powers. While it's unclear if celestite specifically was known to these ancient cultures, the symbolism of blue stones as conduits of celestial energy likely existed.

Celestite was officially discovered and identified as a distinct mineral species in the late 18th century. It was named "celestite" due to its celestial blue color, derived from the Latin word "caelestis," meaning celestial or heavenly. This name reflects the gemstone's perceived connection to the heavens and the divine.

Metaphysical Qualities Of Celestite


Celestite is generally thought of as a calming stone, so it's a great one to reach for if you're struggling with worrisome thoughts or constant "what-ifs."

Serenity & Tranquility

Beyond just helping you to get rid of worrisome thoughts, celestite can take it a step further and help you access more serenity and inner peace.

Higher Truth & Consciousness

There's a reason celestite is thought of as heavenly and celestial; this stone is associated with the Throat Chakra, which deals with truth, and the Third-Eye Chakra, which deals with intuition and higher consciousness. Using it can help you clear and/or improve the function of both chakras.

Working With Celestite

The best way to work with celestite is to pair it with a visualization for worry and fear. Simply hold celestite in your hand and visualize it breaking up and clearing away mental stress and fear with its jagged edges. Keep it around you or on your person. One simple way to work with any crystal, celestite included, is to keep it on your person or somewhere nearby, like on your nightstand or anywhere you'll see it often when you could use calming energy.

You can also pair it with an affirmation or mantra. Because celestite is associated with the Throat Chakra, it's a great one to pair with you rfavorite affirmations. You could use any affirmation of your choice, though since it is a calming stone, it would be particularly useful if you're feeling stressed touse an affirmation like, "I choose to be calm, peaceful, and clear-minded."

Lastly, incorporate it into Chakra clearing exercises and appointments. As aforementioned, celestite is associated with the Throat and Third-Eye Chakras, so it's a great idea to incorporate it into any of your preferred chakra rituals. It helps your Throat Chakra to speak your truth, and the Third-Eye to clear your intuition and trust that you can see with your all-seeing eye.

Revered by crystal healers and spiritual seekers alike, celestite is believed to resonate with celestial energies, offering solace, serenity, and a pathway to spiritual awakening. Whether used in meditation to connect with higher realms or simply admired for its tranquil presence, celestite continues to serve as a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness. May the celestial energies of celestite guide us on our path, illuminating the way toward greater peace, harmony, and spiritual enlightenment.

