December’s Key Themes & Energy Updates

What to expect in the coming month

Yet again, we find ourselves at the end of another year. December is a month that naturally calls us to reflect on our journey over the past year. It is time to acknowledge and celebrate the difficulties we’ve faced and overcome, our achievements, events, and experiences. As the year comes to a close, we are being asked to give thanks for the growth we have experienced and to prepare for the year ahead. Before we begin planning for new beginnings, here are some key dates for December and what they hold in store.

WINTER SOLSTICE (21st / Northern Hemisphere)

In astrology, the winter solstice is associated with the Sun's entrance into the zodiac sign of Capricorn. It is a time of transition as the Sun leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn and seasonally as we descend into winter. Here are some astrological perspectives on the winter solstice:

1. Capricorn Energy

Capricorn is often associated with qualities such as discipline, responsibility, ambition, and structure. As the Sun enters Capricorn around the winter solstice, this is a time when these qualities may become more prominent or emphasized in your life.

2. Reflection and Rebirth

The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year, symbolizing a period of darkness and introspection. Astrologically, this time is an opportunity for reflection, letting go of the past year, and preparing for a new cycle. It is sometimes associated with a symbolic rebirth as the days begin to lengthen again.

3. Saturn’s Influence

With Capricorn being ruled by Saturn, you are being asked to pay attention to Saturn's influence during this time. Saturn is often associated with lessons, challenges, and the importance of hard work. The winter solstice may be viewed as a period to face responsibilities and work towards personal and professional goals.

SUMMER SOLSTICE (22nd DEC / Southern Hemisphere)

Said to be a time of new beginnings, the summer solstice recognizes the changing of the seas where we farewell the introspective energy of winter and welcome the sun’s energy for manifestation and to move us forward. The astrological perspectives on the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere are varied and can include the following:

1. Emotional Renewal

The summer solstice is a time when the days are at their longest, and it marks the peak of light and warmth in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a time of emotional renewal, increased vitality, and a focus on personal connections and well-being.

2. Fertility and Harvest

Celebrated around the world, the summer solstice is a day for fertility and the bounty of the harvest where fruits and vegetables are ripe for the picking, flowers have bloomed and we are more spiritually connected with the natural world.

3. Connection to Nature

The heightened energy and light during the summer solstice may be seen as aligning with the natural cycles of growth and abundance. Astrologers might encourage individuals to connect with nature, embrace outdoor activities, and align with the energies associated with this period.

4. Celebration of Light

The summer solstice is traditionally a time of celebration in many cultures, often linked to the triumph of light over darkness. This can be seen astrologically as a symbolic representation of personal and spiritual illumination, enlightenment, and growth.

NEW MOON (12th -13th DEC)

A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon have the same zodiac sign and degree, forming a conjunction. This is a time of alignment and synergy between the conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) aspects of the self. It represents a new beginning, a fresh start, or the initiation of a new cycle. The New Moon for December falls in the sign of Sagittarius, which is associated with themes such as exploration, adventure, optimism, and the pursuit of higher knowledge. Sagittarius’s energy encourages a focus on expanding horizons and seeking truth. It asks us to plant the seeds of optimism to allow us to leave behind our painful past to envision a bright future.

Above all, this New Moon encourages us to have hope for the future.

FULL MOON (26th - 27th DEC)

A full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are in opposite zodiac signs, creating a sense of tension or polarity. This alignment highlights the balance between conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) aspects of the self. It can be a time of culmination, realization, or heightened emotions.

The Full Moon on December 26th occurs in the sign of Cancer and is associated with emotions, home, and family, encouraging us to nurture our feelings and emotions at this time. This helps to create a sense of security in bringing our feelings and desires into the world. It is a time to bring those projects we began during the New Moon to fruition.

The Cancer Full Moon allows for a balancing of the Sun’s outward Capricorn energy. Cancer is associated with emotions, home, and family, while Capricorn is linked to ambition, structure, and responsibilities. Balancing these energies may be a key theme during this full moon.


When Mercury is retrograde, this period can be associated with potential communication, technology, and travel challenges. While not everyone experiences negative effects during Mercury retrograde, here are some common themes to be mindful of:

1. Communication Issues

Misunderstandings, unclear messages, and miscommunication can be more prevalent during Mercury retrogrades. It’s advisable to be extra clear in your communication, double-check information, and avoid making assumptions.

2. Technology Glitches

Electronic devices and communication tools may be more prone to malfunctions or glitches during this time. Back up important data, update software cautiously and be prepared for possible disruptions.

3. Travel Delays

Travel plans may face unexpected hiccups, such as delays, cancellations, or misplaced items. It’s advisable to plan ahead, confirm reservations, and allow extra time for travel.

4. Contractual Caution

Avoid signing important contracts or making major decisions during Mercury retrograde, as there may be details overlooked or misunderstood. If it's unavoidable, scrutinize the terms carefully.

5. Review and Reflect

Despite the potential challenges, Mercury retrograde can offer an opportunity for reflection and revisiting past projects or ideas. It’s a good time to review, reassess, and revise plans rather than initiate new endeavors.

6. Patience is Key

Given the potential for disruptions and delays, practicing patience is crucial during Mercury retrograde. Allow extra time for tasks, be adaptable, and avoid unnecessary stress.

Overall, the combination of the end of the calendar year, cultural celebrations, astronomical events, and the transition to a new year makes December a natural and culturally significant time for reflection. It’s a chance to acknowledge accomplishments, learn from challenges, and set intentions for personal and collective growth in the year ahead. To gain clarity and insight for the year ahead, Teresa William’s offers intuitive reading would provide insights into your current and future situation. Her intuitive readings are a form of energy reading where she taps into high energy frequencies and calls on spirit guides for help with your specific questions. Teresa has the gift of helping others answer important questions and find healing through her work with spirit guides.

As a highly experienced psychic medium, Teresa also offers mediumship readings, which are opportunities to receive guidance and clarity from spirits and loved ones who have passed over.
