Interpreting Dreams

& Symbols For Guidance

Can dreams predict the future? Are some dreams more significant than others? Are they messages from our subconscious or the universe?

Dream interpretation can serve as a fascinating tool for self-discovery and guidance. When delving into the realm of dreams, we navigate a landscape rich with symbols and metaphors. Interpreting a dream involves understanding personal connections, how the dream made us feel, and recognizing patterns. As symbols appear in our dreams, deciphering them unveils hidden aspects of the psyche, offering guidance and potential for personal growth.


Dreams are a natural and involuntary mental activity that occurs during certain stages of sleep. They typically involve a combination of thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations in the dreamer’s mind.

Various scientific theories talk about the role of dreams and how they serve us, including organizing and storing information, mental rehearsal, and even enhancing problem-solving skills. However, there can be no denying that dreams offer useful information about our unconscious mind and are a way of bringing up important issues that our waking selves may ignore.


Dream symbols are highly subjective and can vary in meaning based on personal experiences and cultural contexts. However, some symbols appear frequently in dreams and are commonly associated with certain themes or emotions. Here are ten common symbols that often appear in dreams:

1. Flying

Dreaming of flying can symbolize a sense of freedom, liberation, or a desire to escape from a situation. It may also represent a feeling of empowerment or a desire to overcome obstacles.

2. Water

Water in dreams can have various meanings. Calm water may represent tranquility and emotional stability, while turbulent water could signify emotional turmoil or life challenges. Water can also symbolize purification, renewal, or the subconscious mind.

3. Being Chased

Being chased in a dream is a common anxiety-related theme. It may reflect feelings of avoidance, fear, or the need to confront unresolved issues. The pursuer in the dream can sometimes represent a person or situation causing stress.

4. Falling

Falling in a dream may suggest a lack of control or fear of failure. It can also symbolize a loss of support or a sense of insecurity. Alternatively, some interpret falling as a natural part of the dreaming process without negative connotations.

5. Teeth Falling Out

Dreams about losing teeth are often associated with concerns about appearance, communication, or a fear of losing control. They may also relate to feelings of powerlessness or a sense of vulnerability.

6. Nudity

Dreaming of being naked in public or a vulnerable situation may reflect feelings of exposure, shame, or a fear of judgment. It can also signify a desire for authenticity and acceptance.

7. Death

Dreams about death are not necessarily predictive but may symbolize the end of a phase in life, a major transition, or a personal transformation. Death in dreams can also represent the fear of change or the need to let go of the past.

8. Vehicles

In dreams, cars, buses, trains, or other modes of transportation can symbolize the journey of life, the direction you're headed, or the level of control you feel you have. Problems with vehicles may indicate obstacles or challenges.

9. Animals

Animals in dreams often carry symbolic meanings. For example, a snake might represent transformation or hidden fears, while a cat could symbolize independence or intuition. The context and your personal associations with the animal are important.

10. Houses

Dreams about houses can relate to your sense of self, security, or the different aspects of your personality. Exploring the rooms and conditions of the house in your dream may provide insights into your inner life.


Dreams reflect our innermost thoughts and feelings, and having the ability to interpret dreams can help us better understand ourselves. We then learn about our true feelings, values, thoughts, behavior, and motivations.

Are you having a recurring dream you don't understand the meaning of? It may be a message from the universe. If you need help to decode the meaning, a tarot reading is a great idea. Teresa Williams from Inspire Teresa has a variety of tarot readings available. Each reading is designed to provide you with clarity and guidance. She calls on Spirit Guides for help and tunes into frequencies of high energy to provide answers to your questions.

Click here for more information!

