Amythyst Crystals

Amethyst is a popular gemstone known not only for its beauty but also for its healing properties in various spiritual and alternative medicine practices. With its captivating hues and mystical allure, amethyst has been cherished for centuries by people around the world. 

Amethyst is a variety of quartz, a mineral set apart by its striking purple coloration, which ranges from delicate lavender hues to deep violet tones. This coloration is caused by trace amounts of iron within the quartz crystal lattice. The intensity and saturation of the purple color can vary widely, with the most prized specimens exhibiting a rich, royal purple hue.

Amethyst is often associated with qualities such as protection, clarity, and spirituality. In addition to its reputed ability to ward off intoxication, amethyst is considered a symbol of sobriety, wisdom, and inner strength. Wearing or carrying amethyst can promote emotional balance, relieve stress, and enhance intuition. As the birthstone for February, amethyst is also thought to bring luck and prosperity to those born in this month.

Amethyst Geode

A geode stone is hollow inside that contains many crystals pointing inward. Geodes have a rounded, cave-like shape and they amplify the energy of all the terminations they hold within themselves. Amethyst geodes occur in all sizes, from a few centimeters across to enormous rock-like structures.

Metaphysical Qualities of Amethyst Geode Crystals

Energy Cleansers
Although geodes amplify energy, they also diffuse it, allowing it to flow out slowly when needed. Amethyst geodes are, therefore, especially beneficial for anyone wanting to break an addiction. Amethyst is a highly protective stone, forming a shield around your physical and subtle bodies to dispose of negative energies and vibrations.

Tranquility & Sleep
Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer and is extremely effective in combatting stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. It has strong cleansing powers and never needs to be cleansed as it absorbs, transmutes and disperses negative energies, both from the environment and from your other crystals if they are placed in close proximity. 

An Amethyst geode placed by your bed at night helps promote restful sleep. This stone is excellent for balancing male and female energies within the subtle body, encourages harmony between Yin and Yang and addresses excess or lack between these two energies.

Decision Making
Amethyst is said to enhance memory and to facilitate the decision-making process. It improves motivation and combats feelings of lethargy, apathy, and despair.

Amethyst is one of the most spiritual stones. It promotes connections with guides, messengers, and other-worldly beings, encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom and enables you to develop latent psychic gifts. Amethyst alleviates sadness and grief and dispels fear, anxiety, anger, and rage.

Physical Healing
Physically, amethyst boosts hormone production and tones the endocrine system. It is an excellent cleanser for the blood, eases headaches and releases tension. Amethyst resonates with the Third Eye Chakra and is an excellent stone for meditation and scrying.

The use of crystals like amethyst often aligns with principles of mindfulness, self-care, and holistic living, which can contribute to overall well-being, even if the mechanisms behind their purported effects are not fully understood. People are typically drawn to amethyst for its beauty, symbolism, spiritual significance. It’s versatility demonstrates that it can have a place anywhere, but what’s always most important, is that you feel a personal connection and resonation to you crystal.

