February Key Themes & Energy Updates

Astrological Dates

As February 2024 begins, the dance of the planets and stars continues to influence our lives. The month kicks off with the radiant Sun settled in the thinking energy of Aquarius. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation and sudden change, Aquarians are known for their unique perspectives and humanitarian ideals. This is a time when embracing individuality and expressing your authentic self is encouraged. But not before long, we will be moving into imaginative Pisces on the 18th, ushering in a period of heightened intuition and emotional depth.

As the stars align, February beckons us to explore the delicate balance between dreams and reality, inviting personal growth and connection with ourselves and the cosmic expanse.

Moon in Scorpio (Feb. 1st - 2nd)

Passionate energy runs high right now, and it can be time to clear out or get to the heart of things for a clean-up during the next week. Keep in control of this energy and use it wisely. Solutions can be found during endings.

Mercury enters Aquarius (Feb. 4th - 5th)

Online communication is highlighted for this period: texts, emails, DMs, and social media feature prominently. Stay open to new, unconventional ideas and sudden intuitive insights while remaining grounded in what you know. Working on plans for change or your future means powerful and insistent focus.

New Moon in Aquarius (Feb. 9th)

You can see opportunities and futures that others can’t begin to dream of. It is a great time to begin a beneficial change, cultivate more independence, and experiment. Finding community, expanding your social circle, and building a strong network at this time will help you grow.

Lunar New Year/Year of the Dragon (Feb. 10th)

Year of the Wood Dragon! Surrounded by a grounding energy, this year supports you to become more responsible and committed to reaching your goals. Don’t rush things – take it nice and easy.

Mars enters Aquarius (Feb. 12th - 13th)

Independence, individualism, and innovation are the key themes right now as the planet of ambition moves into Aquarius. Don’t be afraid of your uniqueness; embrace unusual approaches and use them to forge ahead with your plans.

Venus enters Aquarius (Feb. 16th)

The planet of pleasure enters the sign of individuality, so there’s only one thing for it – get out there and play the field. Free love is your mantra; just don’t commit yet. Enjoy being independent and unconventional. Changes in your relationships, more time spent with friends, and expanding your social life can be expected.

Sun enters Pisces (Feb. 18th)

With winter and the cold days coming to an end, we’re emerging from hibernation. Life will feel motivating and generous for the next four weeks. Pisces season is a time for imagination, compassion, and intuition to strengthen. It’s a time to connect with your subconscious, enhance your intuition, and release blockages.

Venus and Mars conjunct Aquarius (Feb. 21st - 22nd)

With the planet of love and romance and the planet of energy, action, and sex forming a conjunction in Aquarius, you can expect passionate energy to develop. A great time for a date night or for taking things to the next level. This energy is also useful for your creative projects.

Mercury enters Pisces (Feb. 23rd)

While it’s a great time to work on creative ideas and projects, there’s a danger of getting stuck in daydreams as your imagination and creativity take on a dreamier quality. Getting lost in fantasy helps to give your mind a break from the ordinary, but remember to ground in reality during the next two weeks.

Full Moon in Virgo (Feb. 24)

It’s a tough game of push-and-pull right now, as the full moon’s energy has you wavering between the desire to rest and the need to be productive. However, it might be the best time to complete your to-do list. Tackle small projects and tasks to make the most of your productivity. Always remember to make room for self-care during this time.

Saturn Cazimi (Feb. 28th)

When a planet connects with the Sun, it is purified by its heat – this is called a Cazimi. Today is a wonderful day to lay the foundation for anything in your life that you want to achieve over time. Saturn is asking you to take a mature approach and follow the rules so that you can shine.

February's astrological dates invite us to dance with the cosmic energies, embrace our uniqueness, and navigate the ebb and flow of change. Whether you're seeking innovation, introspection, or creative expression, the celestial bodies offer guidance and inspiration throughout this intriguing month. As the stars continue their celestial ballet, may you find harmony and fulfillment in the cosmic symphony of February!

