Blue Kyanite

with Mica Quartz

Kyanite is a calming, meditative crystal that is excellent for working on your spiritual and psychic development. Blue Kyanite resonates with both the Third Eye and the Throat chakras and can be used to amplify the energy that is coming towards you when you meditate on those aspects of your development that are connected with Universal Guidance. Kyanite is typically found in shades of blue, but it can also occur in other colors such as green, yellow, gray, and white. The blue variety of kyanite is particularly prized for its vibrant and intense color.

Metaphysical Properties of Blue Kyanite with Mica Quartz

Blue Kyanite connects to spirit guides and grounds your spiritual vibrations into your physical body and the environment. It also promotes a compassionate attitude and encourages a positive, honest, and intuitive approach to life’s challenges.

When paired with Mica Quartz, this crystal reaches a whole new metaphysical level. Quartz is one of the most potent crystals on earth and acts as an energy amplifier on both the physical and mental levels. This combination of blue Kyanite and Quartz is excellent for bringing balance to all of the chakras and for cleansing your aura of negativity and unwanted external influences. Clear Quartz is a wonderful healer stone because of its unique properties in ascertaining exactly what is needed to bring the body, mind and spirit into balance and harmony.

Blue Kyanite instantly clears meridians and neural pathways and stabilizes the biomagnetic field. Together, the properties of these crystals imbue the body with optimum levels of healthy Chi and bring an attitude of calm acceptance to the mind and spirit.

For physical ailments and conditions, consider using Blue Kyanite with Mica Quartz to alleviate pain in joints and muscles, dispel excess adrenalin and cortisol from the system following a period of shock or stress, lower blood pressure and heal minor infections.

Metaphysically, this crystal can be used in meditation and shamanic journeying. Blue Kyanite cuts through mental and spiritual confusion dispels anger and stress and clears energetic blockages. It also promotes strong connections with the angelic and Divine realms and clarifies messages and signs you may receive from spirit.

